"I'm doing what I'm meant to do"
Click to view a Qi MindMap™ of The Fulfilled
The Fulfilled represent the “perfect” combination of one’s personal aptitudes and their chosen career path. Comprising mostly Gen Xers and Boomers, they are financially comfortable or better. They have great work-life balance. Their work and their co-workers are part of who they are.
The Fulfilled are arguably the segment to which we should all strive to belong, where one’s career provides a sense of satisfaction, stimulation, fulfillment, growth and usefulness to society. Occupations include those in Education, Management, Trades and Professional, which The Fulfilled associate with both interacting with and helping people.
The Fulfilled have enough experience and confidence to consider themselves experts in their fields. They have a sense of control over their scope of work.
NEED: Empower them to continue doing good.
96% Get work satisfaction
94% Feel successful
94% People trust me to deliver
92% We help people
91% My work’s worthwhile
90% My work is valued by society
86% My work= who I am
84% Time flies at work
84% Work with decent people
82% Make the world better
81% Find my work stimulating
80% Special bond to my trade
Most happy, curious, excited
Some loneliness and disappointment
Gen Xers & Boomers (smallest % of young millennials)
Well off and comfortable
Out twice or 3x a week or more
More likely to have adult children
Satisfied and fulfilled
Large proportion (half) has university degree
Half say education is relevant
Education 1st
Management 2nd
Trades and Health/Welfare 3rd
78% deal directly with customers
70% would choose same job again
70% would recommend job