"Don't mess with a good thing"
Click to view a Qi MindMap™ of The Comfortable
The “oldest” of the segments, over 60% of The Comfortable comprises those age 53+.
For the most part, The Comfortable derive a lot of satisfaction and pleasure from their work. They have the lowest scores for negative work-related statements.
Of all segments, The Comfortable are the most likely to choose the same profession again. However, only half describe their work as stimulating and only 39% would recommend that those who are similar to them follow a similar career path.
Some of the concerns of The Comfortable are the lack of social interaction in their jobs – either with the public or with their co-workers. It may be that those in The Comfortable work on their own too much, which can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation.
NEED: Introduce opportunities for teamwork.
90% People trust me to deliver
79% Get work satisfaction
77% Feel successful
69% My work’s worthwhile
59% Time flies at work
49% Find my work stimulating and Job is cool
Only 39% would recommend their job
Lowest scores on negative work-related statements
Mostly Boomers
Labourer and Driver
75% would choose same job again